Rating: 90/100 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I got the measurements from the recipe link in the video description. Making this dish brought me great joy and satisfaction. I got to use a piping bag for the first time also it was my first time making Ravioli.

Just my pasta dough used 3 yolks and 1 whole egg for this dough. My usual fresh pasta dough recipe is 1 egg to 100g of flour.

While my pasta was resting, I started on my ricotta cheese mixture. The mixture contains ricotta cheese, parsley, lemon zest, parmesan cheese, and salt.

This was my first mistake as I was only supposed to use the egg yolk. You can see the egg white spilling over.

Ah, much better. Also, you can see on the dough I marked with a round cutter where the piped ricotta cheese was supposed to go.

Cutting out the raviolo.

You may notice a small hole at the bottom of raviolo, I used a cake tester to poke a tiny hole to let all the air out.

If you’re a fan of runny egg yolk, cheese, and pasta then you have to try this. I did not splurge for the truffles. I'm going to try to include spinach in my next batch.